Kitty Scarf day 10! Also, a look at the future.

First off, I got to row 90 as I promised. It’s probably just over a foot long. When I measured it at 70 rows, it was 11 inches. So, my guess is over a foot. It’s coming along well and my speed comes and goes. I’ll go for a row or two like a boss, and then randomly I’ll forget how to hold my yarn and the going’s slow.

Also, I started the cross stitch on my Enochian Angel Banishment Sigil, which I’m fairly excited about. The going on this is hella slow, but it’s to be expected, since it’s cross stitch. I mean, cross stitch is really slow anyway. But I can’t wait for it to be done. I sketched out my Goddess Embroidery project and, I think I’ll keep that instead of selling it. Because, it’s not even done, but I feel connected to it like I need it for my Altar. Perhaps the Goddess wanted me to make it. Whatever the case, that’s going to be mine, but I’ll update you guys. 😀

And further, I’m going to make candles. I ordered the wax, dye and wick from the internet tonight and I’ll go hunting incense and essential oils for the scent. Along with various cups and bowls and whatnot from Ye Olde Goodwill. I figure, because of my path it would make sense that I make candles, for myself and others. Perhaps spell candles? With gems to enhance the effects of the color correspondence and oils… I have so many ideas, really, I’m just bristling with them I’m sure you can tell. 😀

You’ll be getting updates and junk along the way. :3

Day Nine Progress and victory dance :3

Tonight, I completed up to row 71. I’m aiming to get to 90 tomorrow, so there’s some hope. I notice there’s a couple of times and places where I randomly decided to knit super tight, but it’s not too noticeable, thankfully. I’m feeling confident with this project, though it’s time consuming I’m super confident.

Also, I’m brimming with happiness over my resin charms up there. My lucky penny pendant charms came out well, there’s one with a bit of a  fall leaf in it that I decided to keep for some reason, I’ll make another one to replace it and keep the imperfect one for me. I’m considering making Polymer clay bezels for them and covering the inside with scrapbook paper so my [boring] pendants have backgrounds that aren’t monochrome. I’ll be adding these to the shop shortly, within the next week most likely.

I have ideas, and I sketched my Goddess idea onto Aida 11 count fabric and it wouldn’t look right. So, I’m going to do it in embroidery and sketch it tomorrow. I’m also going to put some small drawstring bags on my shop tomorrow, possibly.

I got my Dog tags for stamping yesterday, but I still don’t have a steel block for stamping. But, for actual stamping [with rubber stamps] my Lino tools should be here tomorrow, and I want to make really intricate flower designs and stamp a fairly large piece of clay and then split it into different charms. I’ve seen it on the internet and I’m curious.

I’ll cut this off here. 😀

kitty scarf progress day eight


Got to row 64 today, I skimped a bit today in lieu of spending time with my better half. But it’s coming along. It looks about 10 inches…..ish. Knitting is slow. But I’m getting a bit faster with it. Still slow, though. Luckily I picked some yarn that doesn’t make my hands feel weird. :3

OH! I made resin! It dried. I am about the happiest thing in the world right now. My actual Envirotech Resin stuff that I mixed worked. I have some molds done and I need bales…So I can make them into pendants…. But I’ll get it, I’m sure. Right now, I almost certain I screwed up on them…But it’ll be okay. You have to learn somehow. All of my rubberbands are here and I’ll probably play with my loom tomorrow :3

As for my Resin stuff, I made a couple of ‘lucky penny” resin pendants. Basically, super shiny new pennies in Resin. Viola. But, I think I messed up, because I realized  I should have oriented them differently, as they are, I think the backs aren’t flat enough to glue a bale to it. On second thought, I should have used my Bezels. Oh well, I guess.

You may be seeing some sketches at some point. I talked myself out of buying a thin chain for Jewelry because I couldn’t tell myself for sure what I wanted it for. I have a vague idea, but I don’t actually KNOW. So there’s that. But I think for the most part, I’m trying to narrow my hobbies down and figure out WHAT I want to do. I like Jewelry design, but SIMPLE jewelry design. Ya feel me? I enjoy bezels and backgrounds and resins, but when it comes to intricate designs and whatnot….Not so much. I think I’ll keep my Jewelry lust at a minimum and do simple stuff. After all, I really have so much that I do. For the most part, I know I quite like Cross Stitch/Embroidery and the like. Needle crafts, yarn stuff and sewing. I think though I’ll stick to experiments with clay and plants and see what kind of jewelry and such I can make. However, I know I want to learn Wireworking :3

I’m at this really, really doubting place in my path. I don’t know what I want, which leaks into my crafting. I’ll get it though. Sorry to ramble! 😀

Knitting Update day six update!

  1.   Have 50 rows done out of a couple hundred or so that are needed, it’s about 6.5 inches out of the required 60.
  2. I acquired 20 packages of polymer clay, I haven’t opened the box yet, so I don’t know about the colors. But I have clay. Lots of clay. Cool.
  3. I have ideas for future embroidery projects, Wicca themed house blessings. Sorry for more Wicca stuff. :c
  4. I want to do stuff with Resin. Actual resin. I have an idea.
  5. My homemade modpodge works. Cool. 😀

Kitty Scarf Day four progress!


I completed 10 more rows for a total of 30 rows. It’s probably about 4 or 5 inches now. far cry from the required 60, but at the VERY LEAST, it’s super smooth sailing now. Instead of chanting “Knit one, knit two. Purl one, purl two.” to myself repeatedly for every row, I only have to count the stitches at the end to see that I’m on track. I’m getting it, my yarn holding is shoddy and I’m knitting So much looser than I like to, but, I had to do that to make purling not such a huge pain. I’ll most likely complete between 10 and 20 rows tomorrow, either before or during work. This project is looing a fair amount more doable than it looked a couple of days ago.

On another note, I broke out the modpodge today, or, the modpodge I made. It works [I believe] as it should. My stamp…rubber sheet thing came today, I intend to institute a few ideas…I just have no idea how at this point. My V tool is on the way and my Exacto knife blade keeps popping out. So…Also I’m a bit wary of the exacto blade because I sliced my finger open with it a day or so ago [no stitches, just a lot of blood]. Perhaps a tissue blade can aid me in splitting the sheet in half to double the usable stamp rubber… My tiny engraver doesn’t really help with stamp making, so I guess I have to rely on blades and the like. Ouch and ew.

I ordered 600 more bands for my rainbow loom, and they should be here tomorrow…Which I’m excited for. Because I like the bright colors and such. Also, I just had a thought, I wonder if I should make this in bulkier yarn later on the road? Perhaps I could sell some on my shop and market them for colder climates…Hm.

My shop is terribly neglected so I’m brainstorming. xD

kitty scoodie day three progress


A row counter I installed turned out to about the best thing I’ve ever gotten on my tablet. So long as I remember that Odd rows are K2, P2 and even rows are P2, K2, I’ll be okay. I made note of that tiny fact in my counter, so I should be good. I actually DID get up to row twenty. Didn’t unravel it at all today, thankfully. I think I’ve got it down. I count my stitches every row and I’m not dropping stitches or adding new ones mysteriously. It’s been an on again off again thing today, really. I don’t like to continuously knit things, or crochet things….I like to give my hands a rest. But it’s cool. I’ve got possibly two inches? One and a half? Only like 59 more inches to go. Omg. Not to mention, guys, that the last day of this project is the day before my final exams. Christ. I planned this poorly.
I’m slightly worried now….Oh well, I suppose. I’ll be okay. I hope. But here it is. My kitty scarf on day three and I actually made a few tentative steps forward

Kitty Scarf project day two


I’m a bit heartbroken. I got up to row 12 earlier, but I found that instead of a nice and consistent 42 stitches, my rows had graduated to 45 stitches. In my annoyance, and inability to figure out WHERE I messed up, I unraveled and surrendered until I returned home from a birthday party. I read some of the Stitch N Bitch handbook, which I got on my tablet and decided to try again. I got two rows in this evening before bed, and downloaded a stitch counter. So who knows, this may be a time i don’t have to unravel. Then again, I do have to do consistent stitches for 60 inches. But this shows that I’m trying. And, people, i’m trying really hard. I’ll hopefully get up to row 20 or more tomorrow [gasp!]. I hope.